Soybean Meal
AGP processes soybeans into two primary products: soybean meal and soybean oil. Soybean meal is a high protein feed ingredient used in animal rations, including swine, poultry, and dairy/beef cattle. Soybean meal is also utilized as feed in aquaculture operations.
AGP markets soybean meal to customers in North America via truck or rail. Additionally, AGP accesses international markets through the Port of Grays Harbor, direct shipments to Mexico and Canada, and via other export facilities.
Soy Hulls
Soy hulls are a valuable co-product and highly digestible fiber source used in livestock feed rations, specifically for dairy cows and as a supplement to forage diets for growing beef cattle. Soy hulls are often pelleted to enhance the ease of handling and bulk density. AGP merchandises soy hulls both domestically and internationally.